
Regardless of whatever is your aim – introduce potential customers with your business, inform about new products, ect. – flyers will be the effective way to do so. Flyers are a great way to  reach widet audience.

Few suggestions to successful flyer design:

  • Eye-catching text and heading, and add photos to your design;
  • Don`t use more than two different fonts;
  • Keep the information short and simple/

Information about how to prepare digital files for print you can find here.

Prices below are in force if order time is 2-3 working days.

In the prices below 115 g/m2, 130 g/m2 or 150 g/m2 paper is included.

Flyers can be folded with one or more folding. Price for one folding – EUR 0,02 per folding.

For more questions or specifications please call us 29240166 or e-mail us copypro@copypro.lv.


One-sided A6 A5 A4
50 pcs 14,00 29,00 38,00
100 pcs 26,00 45,00 66,00
200 pcs 42,00 66,00 104,00
300 pcs 60,00 96,00 123,00
500 pcs 90,00 115,00 165,00
1000pcs 140,00 180,00 250,00
1000+ Price will be considered individually Price will be considered individually Price will be considered individually
Prices EUR with VAT

Two-sided A6 A5 A4
50 pcs 27,00 38,00 56,50
100 pcs 44,00 67,00 92,00
200 pcs 58,00 94,00 132,00
300 pcs 84,00 138,00 153,00
500 pcs 105,00 150,00 225,00
1000pcs 160,00 220,00 330,00
1000+ Price will be considered individually Price will be considered individually Price will be considered individually
Prices in EUR with VAT

These prices are for 2-3 working day orders.

Preparing digital files for printing will cost extra EUR 0,25-6,25