Book binding

You don`t need to make a 1000+ book order to get a really nice looking, good quality hard cover book. Copy Pro produces small amount book orders.

A few ideas which would look great in a book format:

  • Cook book – best family recipes in a beautiful book. Beutiful design, heart warming content – a great gift for family and friends;
  • Family history – very respectful way to honor your ancestors – to compile family stories in a book; 
  • Stories, novels, biographies, ect. – all possible written works you want printed in lesser amounts than in printing houses;
  • Any other idea, product, which will look great in a book.

Possible cover options:

  • soft covers/paperback – one of the most popular ways to bind a book. Book covers will be digitally printed and soft covers can also be laminated for a more special look;
  • hard covers – hard cover books look exclusive and are with longer life span.


The price varies according to the volume and specifics of the order. We will offer you the best price depending on your needs and the volume of the order. To find out more accurate price please e-mail us copypro@copypro.lv